Monday, October 8, 2012

The (roaring) sound of soccer

Sunday afternoon offered a pleasant break from the move-in misery when Seattle Sounders FC took on their nemesis Portland Timbers at the CenturyLink Field in Seattle. The Seattleites are highly devoted to their soccer team with an average crowd for this season of 43 000; a baffling number that ranks their attendance higher than that of many great teams in the major European leagues. This Sunday, however, was exceptional, when no less than 66 452 (!) spectators saw the Sounders defeat the Timbers with 3-0. All Swedes can be extra proud over the ex-IFK Göteborg defender Adam Johansson who did an outstanding job throughout the whole game, including a crucial run that directly lead to the oh-so-important 1-0 goal. Once again, I owe this precious treat to season ticket holders Shani and Scott who offered me to join them.

This piece of paper was probably worth quite a lot of money as the game was completely sold out. And I got it for free! I am positively spoiled.

Let's just say that the view was pretty good from where we stood... And you gotta love the skyscraper backdrop.

Did I mention that it was sold out? It was sold out. And the fans were crazy; chanting, singing, clapping and cheering the whole 90 minutes.

Me and Shani. Scott actually brought me a scarf so that I could show my colors and avoid being "naked" in the crowd. Major THANK YOU for this awesome event!

And you know what? In two week's time, I get to go again! Yay!


  1. Dô, socker har man i kaffet. Fotboll heter det! ;-)

  2. I hear ya! Amerikanerna är dock svårövertalade...

  3. Ja, de är ju det. De är ofta ganska säkra på att de har rätt. Kommer ofta att tänka på katolska kyrkan och Galileo när det gäller amerikaner och deras världsbild.

    Epurr si move!
