Friday, February 8, 2013

Happy Happy Joy Joy!

The sun is shining, birds are singing, and people are dancing in the streets. Why, you ask? Two reasons:

1. Little baby Cian (ancient Gaelic name, pronounced Kee-an) was born last night. Welcome to the world! And congratulations to the proud parents Shani and Scott. Way to go! I can't wait to get to know the little guy.

2. Patrik flies in from Sweden tomorrow and stays for three whole weeks. It's going to be crowded in my little apartment, but awfully fun.

Sure, the fact that it's Friday adds a little something extra too, but it fades in importance compared to newborns and friends. Hooray! Hurra! Tjoho!


  1. Oooh! Hälsa och gratulera Shani och Scott från mig!

  2. lol...thank you both! When next we meet again we have another excuse to act's for the boy!

    Hope you both are doing well.
