Monday, March 4, 2013

Every woman to her taste

Before we hit the road to Canada, Anton, Patrik, and I met up with some friends at the HopScotch Beer & Scotch Festival in Fremont. As many of you know, neither beer nor whiskey are among my favorites but luckily there was plenty of wine and hard cider for me to try instead.

As a fun bonus, a photo booth was set up in a corner where people could choose from a number of accessories and get their picture taken and printed as a souvenir. Naturally, we had to try it out.

On the lower right I'm posing with an extremely well-clad guy who taught me how to taste scotch properly (despite my initial objections) and I can honestly say that it wasn't bad. Not bad at all, actually. (I must have been under kilt influence. Holy cow, how I love kilts!)


  1. I love the pics! You look fantastic Sofia!

    1. How could I not, surrounded by all these handsome men? ;)
