Ok, this is clearly not a food blog. Still, every now and then I like to share some eating-related experiences, and yesterday I decided to try something I've been curious about for many years.
I remember seeing a documentary about Elvis Presley when I was a kid, which taught me that one of his favorite treats was toasted bread topped with peanut butter and banana. The sandwich is called The Elvis sandwich, or simply The Elvis, and might also incorporate bacon (but doesn't necessarily have to).
At the time, the combination sounded completely inedible to me, but I've since then grown very fond of the creamy, nutty spread, especially on toast. For some reason I've never taken the step to combine it with banana - another favorite of mine. Until yesterday, that is.
(Dramatic pause.)
It might not look that amazing, but I can assure you that I will do this again. Soon.
Rostmacka med jordnötssmör, det är fint det! Inte helt ovanligt som efter-tränings-snack i detta hushåll. Eller som mellanmål. Eller frukost när jag äter sån :)