Friday, June 14, 2013

Ready for the weekend

Starting this afternoon, I will do my very best to follow this little guy's advice.

Yesterday, I basically hit the wall as the last couple of weeks (months?) suddenly caught up with me after I had finished another long row of meetings and stressful tasks. I found myself sitting at my desk, mindlessly staring into emptiness, feeling completely washed-out. Run-down. Drained.

The conclusion: I need a break.

Luckily, all I have on my schedule this weekend is a wonderful evening tonight together with the Frayos and Tom, my dear friend and colleague who is spending his last night on this side of the big blue for a while. Good food, amazing wine, and marvellous company. It's going to be a great Friday night!

My pledge to myself: To just lean back and enjoy the next couple of days. Sure, I want to do lots of fun things, but I will try to do them slowly. Cherish the moment. Seize the day!

Enough of the hippie talk... Have an awesome weekend! (I will.)