Sunday, August 18, 2013

Road trip snapshots, Chapter III: Ucluelet

After surviving the flower explosion in Butchart Gardens our next stop was Parksville, where we happened to arrive just in time for the Canadian Open Sand Sculpture Competition (sic). No excesses for me though; I spent the night working while the rest of the family enjoyed some fine dining at a restaurant a couple of blocks away.

Good for them.

However, Parksville was just a stop on the way to our next destination: Ucluelet, on the west coast of Vancouver Island. After driving up and down the mountains on twisty turny roads we finally arrived at my mother's cousin Silva's house, close to the Amphitrite Lighthouse at the south end of the beautiful Pacific Rim National Park Reserve. Silva and her partner Carl both work in the national parks and told us all about the region and how to make the most of our brief stay. Without embroidering the story I'll simply conclude that Anton and I were struck by inspiration and decided to walk along the Pacific Ocean all the way from Long Beach back to the Wild Pacific Trail; a hike that took just over seven hours to complete. Meanwhile, our parents took the car between what Carl called ”popcorns”; shorter (but equally enjoyable) trails along the beach and in the rainforest.

All of us had our fair share of fantastic views, lush greenery, exotic wildlife, and last but not least: sand-filled shoes. To top it all off, Silva and Carl generously spoiled us with delicious food and lovely company at their house.

I wish we could have stayed longer, but who knows: I might be able to go back sometime. Let's hope I will.


  1. Låter som en fantastisk tur, men vad är det för träd/planka Anton bär på? Känns lite stor för att vara en vandringsstav eller souvenir....
    Sandskulpturtävlingen verkar ju grym, känner att den krokodil jag byggde i somras ligger i lä här.
    Kramar till dig!

    1. Plankan är en stavhoppsstav (såklart)! :) Han använde den för att skutta över bäcken på bilden. Själv valde jag fegmetoden: plockade av mig skorna och vadade sammanbitet genom det fullkomligt ISKALLA vattnet.

    2. Antons stav låter roligare, och varmare, så länge man kommer över bäcken och inte råkar hamna i förståss.... ;)
