Sunday, October 6, 2013

American beauty

Last week was rough. I was confronted with bad news and disappointments, professionally and personally. No fun. Lots of negative feelings flowing left and right. The weekend, however; now that's a different story.

My colleague Mark and his wife Lettie hosted a harvest festival on their farm in Stanwood, raising money for charity. The setting was as American as it can possibly get: a country band playing in the decorated barn, surrounded by hay bales and pumpkins. Plaid shirts and cowboy hats everywhere; hot dogs and corn on the cob. White fences and pickup trucks; pecan pie and hot spiced cider. It was completely different from everything I have experienced so far during my first year here, and I truly enjoyed getting a glimpse of it.

I spent the night in the guest cottage, sleeping like a baby in the countryside stillness, and after a lovely breakfast Mark took me for a ride through Stanwood to Camano Island, telling me all about the farms and fields we were passing. The day was crisp and sunny; fall at its best.

As usual, my photos convey nothing but a fragment of the beauty, but I hey I'm trying, ok? Ok.

What can you say, but thank you? Thank you very, very much.


  1. Får av nån anledning lite midsommarkänsla av bilderna. Kanske beror det på grönt gräs, blå himmel, och en stor samling människor?

    Vad har ni för klimat där borta så här års?

    1. Klimatmässigt är det nog rätt likt Västsverige just nu; 10-15 grader, mest mulet men emellanåt soligt och fint (som nu i helgen, t.ex.) varvat med ösregn. Blir dock helt förvirrad av att dahlior och rosor fortfarande blommar. Det känns... fel.

  2. Det där såg ju riktigt najs ut!! hade ju jag kunnat vara med med cowboyhästen ;)
    Skönt att helgen blev härlig!
    förresten.. jag håller på med en liten hemlis till dig.. den som väntar får se....

    1. Vet du, jag tänkte på dig och Vivi typ hela tiden jag var därute - ni hade ÄLSKAT det.

      Oooh, hemligpyssel på gång alltså? Spännande! :)
