Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Saturday (and Sunday) in Friday Harbor

My brain is mush, so I'll let the pictures speak for themselves as I try to convey some of last weekend's awesomeness. A few words of explanation might be needed, though: early Saturday morning, Lia picked me up in her truck and drove the two of us to Anacortes to take the morning ferry to Friday Harbor on San Juan Island. Once there, we met up with Lia's adorable friend Meegan and went whale watching with her colleagues Nan and Captain Pete on Western Prince II.

Luck was on our side; we spotted no less than five orcas (including one baby!), a bunch of harbor seals, harbor porpoises, cormorants, a pigeon guillemot, and a bald eagle. Fabulous!

The rest of our stay on the island was equally wonderful; food, wine, coffee, ice cream... Watching the sun set at a bonfire party on South Beach; hiking through the forest in search of a hidden mausoleum; cuddling with Meegan's adorably grumpy-looking (but incredibly friendly) Persian. Having a great time, simply put!

The following photos from our orca watching trip were captured by Nan on the Western Prince II. The shaky little movie is all mine, however. Mine! (I know, I know... I won't quit my day job.)

Ladies in shades.



South Beach.

Lia and Meegan, thank you! Thank you ever so much.

(You expect me to do what? With that ...thing? Think again, sister.)


  1. oj vilken tur!! sjukt avundsjuk <3 landskapet ser fantastiskt ut som vanligt :) kram

    1. Ja! Värsta flaxen. Observera bebisspäckisen på första bilden - så himla söt där den guppade omkring, alltid nära mammavalen. Gulle! :) Kram
