Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Flash! Action! Wow!

A very brief report, just to let you know that I have not succumbed to some premature February heavyheartedness; I know that it's merely January, and the worst has yet to come. The sun is actually shining and I am actually getting some work done, although I must confess that I had some trouble snapping out of the holiday mode.

Heavyheartedness, that's an excellent word, by the way; describes the feeling exactly. But not yet! Not yet.


Q: So, what am I doing?
A: I keep staring at tiny pieces of lymph nodes, trying to 1) understand what I'm looking at, and 2) describe it.

Did you fall off your chairs out of excitement? Did you drop your tea mug to the ground, hot liquid splashing everywhere? Well, you should have; it's awesome. Yesterday I snapped some pictures of a very van-Goghian section, complete with squiggly lines, bold colors and post-impressionist vibes. The Starry Night has got nothing on this one:

I'm thinking about calling it The Blobby Goo, or perhaps The Shaky Nerves. Regardless, it's a fairly accurate description of my current innermost feelings. Any takers?


  1. Alltså, Starry Night kan nog vara min favvotavla! Vet inte varför, men gillar den skarpt! Men hmm, är det kanske en flamingo? :)

  2. Looks like it contains blueberries. (Just back from the restaurant kitchen...)

  3. Flamingo and Blueberries, ca 2015. A typical work by Frost in her micro-impressionist period.
