Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Yes, of course it hurts

The other day, mum suggested that I should combat my sullenness by capturing whatever evidence of spring I could find in my surroundings. With camera in hand, I thus went out last weekend in search of buds, flowers and leafy shoots.

My conclusion? Spring is coming.

Not long now... The Swedish poet Karin Boye knew what she was talking about: Yes, of course it hurts (Ja visst gör det ont, translated by David McDuff).
... Then, when things are worst and nothing helps
the tree’s buds break as in rejoicing, ...
Hang in there, everyone!


  1. Fina vårfoton!! Känns som att det är betydligt mer vår i Seattle än i Gbg. Ja, tekniskt sett är det väl vinter här än, men känns mest som att vi gått tillbaka till höst. Nåväl, våren kommer väl hit också.

    1. Det gör den bergis - även om en ofta undrar, såhär års... ;)
