Tuesday, May 26, 2015

The May issue

Europe came between me and my normal Science Spotlight update, but better late than never: here are your new favorite online articles!

The first demonstrates a tremendous improvement in detection capability of rare mutations in individual cancer cells. Cooler yet, the method can be used for analyzing other samples where cells are rare, for instance in forensics or studies of dinosaurs and other extinct organisms. Pretty awesome!

A ground-breaking method for distinguishing needles from hay

Next, a group of Fred Hutch researchers accidentally stumbled on a gene that may be useful as a predictive marker for characterization of acute myeloid leukemia (AML), potentially advancing the development of individualized treatment plans. I love how seemingly random the initial finding was—I find it quite uplifting, to be honest. You just never know where your research will take you...!

An unpredicted predictor of outcome in pediatric AML

You know the drill by now—if you have questions, just hit me up!

1 comment:

  1. Intressant! Men för en lekman så låter ju "Duplex Sequencing" som något ganska elementärt: två försök är bättre än ett(?). Så jag antar att det var att få till själva tekniken en inte lyckats med förrän nu? För en borde väl borde tänkt tanken innan? Fast det är ju förstås lätt för en "man reader" att leka expert. ;)
