The latest issue of Science Spotlight went live as I was piloting my little silver Kia Rio from Anchorage to Talkeetna, but as we all know, good things come to those who wait. Here are the links to this month's two stories from the Clinical Research Division:
CGAT: a vital instrument in the prognostic toolbox for AML
Replacing the western: an improved way to measure cell signaling
The first article gives some interesting insights into the world of chromosomal anomalies, and their impact on outcomes for patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML).
The second was initially entitled ”99 problems but 69 western blots ain’t one”, but although the investigator claimed to appreciate the Jay-Z reference he gracefully suggested something more ”descriptive”. I gave it some thought and reluctantly agreed. Sometimes my self-perceived wittines is just that: self-perceived, as in ’not necessarily perceived by others’.
Enjoy, folks!
Hooo han kanske hade varit mer eld och lågor om han hade vetat att det var Ice T som låg bakom! :D