Thursday, August 8, 2013

Road trip snapshots, Chapter II: Butchart Gardens

There was one place everyone (literally everyone) told us we had to visit when I mentioned we were going to Vancouver Island: Butchart Gardens. So we simply had no choice but to go. The place was wonderful of course, although mum and I kept wishing that the gardeners would have settled for colour combinations that were a little less... ehm... vulgar. In some cases, less really is more. But still: lovely.

Besides strolling among the bountiful flower beds, snapping pictures, and drilling English plant names, we took the opportunity to royally indulge in some proper afternoon tea on the Dining Room's shaded patio in the midst of all the greenery. And indulge is really a correct description of what we did; each of us got a big pot of hot tea and a tower of goodies to munch on. They even had a vegetarian option that made me salivate simply by reading the menu... Being veggie friendly is perhaps not very true to the British heritage, but I'm certainly not complaining.

And after that? More flowers. More! More! MORE!



  1. OJ vilket afternoon tea!! försöker hitta nåt lämpligt nu när vi ska till London.. synd att det inte var detta...
    Härligt att strosa runt i vackra trädgårdar.. men mycket barrväxter eller? ;)

    1. Alltid mycket barr i denna del av landet. :P London!? Kul! När?

  2. Vi åker 24-27e augusti :) Så sitter mest troligt på afternoon tea i Orangeriet Kensington gardens på din födelsedag :P. På måndagen ska vi till Harry Pottermuseet som ska vara helt outstanding!

    1. Oh! Då får ni äta en scone och tänka på mig. :) Hoppas ni får det alldeles fab! Kramkram
